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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire


27th May 2022

Bhí lá iontach againn uilig inniu ag damhsa an lá ar fad. Tháinig Foyle Down Syndrome ar cuairt le bheith ag damhsa linn agus roinnt ‘moves’ nua a theagasc dúinn. Maith sibh uilig. Buíochas speisialta do Clare Harkin a dhéanann damhsa linn gach seachtain. 

We all had the Friday feeling today, a great day was had by all dancing all day. It was made even more enjoyable by the visit of the young adults from Foyle Down Syndrome to teach us some new routines. A special thank you to Clare Harkin who teaches us dance every week.

Buíochas le gach duine a thug urraíocht don lá inniu. A big thank you to everyone who sponsored us today.