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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire

An Coimisinèir do Pháistì & Daoine Óga / The Commissioner for Children and Young People

4th Oct 2023

Bhì an t-ádh dearg ar Dara, Amelia agus Matthew inniu nuair a bhuail siad leis an Coimisinèir nua do Phàistì agus do Dhaoine Óga, Chris Quinn sa Leabharlann Lárnach. Nìos fearr arìs, tá Gaeilge aige agus scrìobh sè nóta i ngaeilge do mhúinteoir s'acu le hoìche saor ó obair bhaile a thabhairt don rang.
Dara, Amelia and Matthew were fortunate to meet the new Commissioner for Children and Young People, Chris Quinn in the Central Library today. Better again, he was able to converse in Irish with them and he even wrote a note for their teacher asking her to give them a homework free night. You couldn't beat that.

Maith sibh