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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire

Crannchur na Nollag / Christmas Raffle

7th Dec 2020

Míle buíochas do gach duine a thug isteach ciseáin, dearbháin, ábhar crochet agus rudaí aonaracha eile do Chrannchur na Nollag. Bhí sibh iontach flaithiúil ar fad.

We are very grateful to everyone who sent us in hampers, vouchers, crocheted outfits and other individual items for our Christmas raffle. You have all been very generous.

Ticéid ar díol an tseachtain seo £1.00 ar stiall. Tickets on sale this week £1.00 a strip.

First Prize : £200 Springtown Fuels

2nd, 3rd & 4th Prize: Hampers

5th & 6th Price: matching crocheted poncho and hat

Choice of vouchers and individual items after that

Buíochas speisialta fosta don daideo a thug airgead dúinn le hábhar cóisir Nollag a cheannach do na paistí. A special word of thanks also to the granda who gave us cash to buy party bits and pieces for the children.

Go raibh mile maith agaibh