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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire

Down Right Fit le Foyle Down Syndrome

5th Dec 2023

Bhí maidin Luan galánta sultmhar ag Rang 4 nuair a glac siad páirt i clár ‘Down Right Fit’ le grúpa ‘Project 21’ de dhaoine óga le Down Syndrome. Bhí an gníomhaíocht seo ar chlár Comhairle Chathair Dhoire & Cheantar an tSratha Báin mar chuid de ‘Lá Idirnáisiúnta do Dhaoine Míchumasacha.’

Rang 4 had a really enjoyable Monday morning with “Project 21 Group” of young adults with Down syndrome from Foyle Down Syndrome while taking part in the ‘Down Right Fit’ Programme. This was also on the list of events planned by Derry City and Strabane District Council as part of “International Day of People with Disabilities Week”  

Maith sibh uilig / Well done to you all